ThembaCare Grabouw provides a 7-bed hospice in-patient facility for adults who are terminally ill and whose lives have been devastated by HIV/AIDS and TB. It is the only overnight medical care in the town. To complement the in-patient facility ThembaCare also has a team of community care workers who visit various discharged patients and other referrals in their homes every morning.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February News

About a year ago a scrawny little dog came walking through the gates at  ThembaCare Grabouw. He spent the day with us and decided he loved it and never went home! We named him Wowow because most people that visited the unit and met him loved the story and said ..... you guessed it - Wow! He first arrived during renovations on the unit and the builder on site was so taken with this little dog that he decided to build Wowow a kennel.

From that day on Wowow became our mascot but what makes him so special is how he bonds with the patients by laying at their feet when they are out of their beds. He has also taken it upon himself to walk half way home with the staff every day, almost like a guardian. He simply shows his love via these simple gestures.

During the recent the riots in Grabouw our precious Wowow somehow got caught up in the mobs and was badly burned. His wounds were so severe that, as a result, he was admitted to intensive care. We were extremely worried. Thankfully he has recovered well and is back with us because of the support from
Joanna Brederode, who paid the vet bill! Joanna heard the story of Wowow and it melted her heart. It goes to show that one dog really can make a difference because the lives of the staff and patients at ThembaCare would certainly be a more grey without Wowow around.

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