our HCT team at auldearn farm last week |
we have recently been looking at how we can make the third arm, our HCT (HIV counselling and testing) more effective. we have a converted caravan, which is fully equipped to provide a mobile service, and this is often seen in the community at public open spaces and schools to allow people to come have a chat and maybe even find out their status for those various areas but we really wanted to enable more people to test, so what better place to do that than at the work place.
over the last month we have visited some of the staff at the huge fruit packing sheds which surround the town and last week we made visits to a couple of farms who's managers were keen to help their staff understand more about living with HIV. for us it's so important that people know their status, once this is known then we can help them to start addressing areas of their lives that need to change and also seek professional medical advice if they do find that they have a bigger medical need.
if you would like to find out more about this service then do call our thembacare grabouw office and they will be able to set up a date for us to either bring the caravan to your farm or make a visit to your facility, please note that we are sorry but this is currently limited to the grabouw and elgin region, we aren't able to offer this amazing service nationally or even internationally as yet!